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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Welcome to the Permissionless Era and what it means for you

Interesting times fellow entrepreneurs and working-class people. We are in an age where it’s getting easier to say what to do whatever we want to do, when we want to do it and how. This might seem a bit over the top but it’s true.

We are in an age where literally teenagers are becoming millionaires, persons are quitting there 9-5 and following their passion elsewhere while leveling up.

College and university graduates are realizing that 50% of degrees are a waste of time and instead of learning skills that are applicable for the future and can give them the freedom that they want for free.

Kids can earn millions playing video games that they never made. Persons can make 5 figures with nothing but a YouTube page and a voice-over actor talking behind a crappy image.

Lastly, I can send thousands of dollars to a friend across the world with just a wifi connection and a crypto wallet without regulatory approval in a matter of seconds.

It will only get weirder and wilder as the meta is being built. This will allow us to purchase digital assets without the approval of a regulatory body. We can then profit from it passively.


It’s an interesting time to be alive and we are living within it. It’s the era of the permissionless, meaning that we don’t need permission to do a lot of things that would’ve been a real pain and massive time sunk earlier.

For example, you can start an online business within a matter of minutes and earn money from it within months with the right strategy and target market.

No one ever gave you permission to do it, the resources are there such as the domain name provider, hosting solution to store the data: website, user data, etc. It will only take my time, effort, and creativity to handle the rest at a bare minimum. No licenses are required either to get the job done in the beginning.

If you want to start a YouTube page, you can do it and talk about a lot of topics. You can play video games all day and make money. This will only get easier, currently, developers are working on integrating cryptocurrencies within games.

Basically, this will allow you to play and earn. Axie Infinity is a game that comes to mind for this example and more is on the horizon.

You never need to approval of anyone to do these things, you just do it. The era where gatekeepers control a lot of access is slowly decaying.


It’s easier to profit in the permissionless era due to the boundaries that are now being stripped away. You can build a social media following and profit from it. Get an online business started: e-commerce, consulting, youtube, ebook, courses, software development, etc.

The opportunities are endless and you don’t need permissions. At one point you needed to go through publishers and suck up to their request and then you have to hire a marketing agency to do the marketing for you.

Now you don’t need that at all, you need a social media following, an amazon kindle publishing account, time, an idea, creativity, and effort. This will get you over 50% of the way. If you have a loyal following, you can get some pre-sales which will allow you to make money before the item arrives.

I see Jamaicans on YouTube creating interesting content which is attracting tourists to their local community to learn about their specific way of life. The government never funded them, No one gave them permission, they just got out their phones and start filming.

Raising Money

If you are smart and have an engineering mindset, you can use Kickstarter to raise money for your 3d product. Fitbit raised millions for their watch before it was even launched. No one gave them permission to create the product and they never had to go through a bank to get funding.

Another advanced concept is with initial coin offering (ICO). Basically, you can now raise money by creating a token within hours if you have the requisite skillset. You can then launch your coin, gain initial traction from your social media following then raise money with cryptocurrencies. You don’t need banks anymore.

Currently, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) are being launched which are organizations not are being run by one powerful entity. The power is assumed to be shared across the community of investors.

They are now using DAOs to do real-world stuff such as raising money to purchase lands, fund real-world projects, etc. It’s pretty interesting and I did a post on it.


If you want to learn a subject today, you can do it by using YouTube and doing Google research. You can even pay for courses on Udemy which cost between $20-200 on average (very cheap). These courses can help you to level up and learn web skills that can make you real money.

You can study on your own time and do it whenever and where ever. You don’t need anyone’s approval. Not so long ago, you have to go through school being taught by crappy lecturers and teachers who don’t really practice what they teach and are just doing it because it’s a job.

Just think about it, oftentimes they are teaching you something because they have to do it, not because they want to, but they have to. In order to earn money to survive.

Because of this, even if they are not passionate about the subject or knowledgeable, they still go ahead and teach hundreds if not thousands of students each year on a topic the wrong way.

Then when you fail at the subject, they say that you are stupid, lazy and unproductive. When the truth is that the teacher failed his students to begin with. He was just winging it along the way and who passes the test, just passes.

The Tides Have Changed For The Better

Now you don’t have to do that, with the right discipline and guidance, you can find mentors online who can help you and curate your own content and do your own educational training.

Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, etc offers thousands of courses each year for free. Otherwise from MIT, I don’t think that they want to do it, because if they wanted to, why didn’t they do it years ago?

It’s simple because the internet has driven down the cost of information dissemination to zero.

If you are living in a village in a remote country with average internet speed, you can become a mathematician, engineer, etc. The information is out there to do it for almost free if you know where to look.

I can go on YouTube and build a hydroponic system within a couple of days; the information is out there.


When I was younger, I used to hate commercials and my movies that came after a program I was watching. I would be watching a documentary, for example, then the “Days of our Lives”, would come on television.

I still remember the soundtrack! Now we can watch whatever we want and curate our media within our own content bubble. Your inputs equal your outputs, you can program your mind to be elite if you curate the necessary information.

If you don’t like radio, you can listen to endless audio from your favorite podcasts on almost any topic: education, business, music, sports, technology, etc.

Are you a buttoned-up business-type person? you can use Linkedin and get certain information. If you like personal connections, you can use Facebook. If you want breaking news and like to stay up to date, you can twitter.

The options are endless and you can curate your own online environment. The way you want to and not what they think you wanted you to see.

Persons might counter this argument and say that big media is still manipulated today. Of course, big media is manipulated. We are not living within an internet utopia, but at the same time, we have choices if we are aware of them.

Connections and Networking

A couple of years ago, if you never had the money to travel for a business meeting, you would be losing out on millions of dollars in revenue. Now you don’t have to meet, you can wrap up a deal within minutes. Often times automatically if you use online platforms.

Once upon a time, if you were born within a village, you would stay there and never be able to connect with anyone from anywhere else, now that has all changed.

You can connect with persons and build up your social capital if that’s what you like. The barrier to entry within this region is almost inexistent.


Our culture helps to shape us from our habits and overall lifestyle. Even though it’s a natural trait of us humans to be able to adapt to our environments.

It can prove to be catastrophic if we were born in the wrong environment. It’s not doom though, within this permissionless era, we can change our own lifestyle of how we want to live.

If we are surrounded by bad role models, we can mirror good role models online and act like them. Do you want to stay healthy? you can research different diet choices.

If you want to be financially free, you can follow Clarke and Cash or any other financial website on the internet. Life now is truly what you make of it.

In closing, we are living within interesting times. Take advantage of the thousands of opportunities out there, it’s there for the taking. No one has to give you permission either, you just have to learn about the different opportunities and tools available.

If you are reading this, you are early but remember that the best day to take action was yesterday.


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