Ideas are the new oil

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“The new oil is ideas. It’s all digital. All the new fortunes are being created in ideas space.” – Naval Ravikant

As someone who has his hands on the pulse of technology, I am starting to see a wave ahead coming that will bring a lot of changes. For example, I have been looking at a set of different ideas within the technology space that I know will change the industry forever.

For example, the ability of a person to single-handedly create an application without grasping all the concepts is becoming easier with AI.

For example, to create a basic web application, back then, an individual will have to learn about backend development, frontend development, networking, databases, APIs, distributed systems, etc.

Like with most things in software development, it is a lot of grunt work and even then, your application might not come out the way you like. There is a new field of engineers that are coming up and they are called prompt engineers, these prompt engineers are basically interfacing with the artificial intelligence system and creating natural language commands for the AI system to then understand and act upon.

I have seen lots of examples on YouTube already starting to pop up:

Because of these trends, individuals can be able to bring a product to market faster than ever before albeit it might not be perfect in the beginning but it will get the idea across. This now brings me to the title of this post, “Ideas are the new oil.”

Persons with the most creative ideas and the skills to execute those ideas into a working product will be able to win over the others.

You don’t have to be a genuine expert at anything anymore especially digitally related, you have to know how to combine ideas in various industries and you will have enough customers to make a profit from.

Additionally, you can be able to create multiple products/services at the same time which could improve your rate of success. It’s all up to ideas, creativity, and execution.


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