Freedom Lifestyle

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According to the dictionary, freedom lifestyle is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. Freedom for everyone is different. For me, it’s the ability to do what I want, when I want, where I want, and with whomever I want as long as it’s legal and not hurting anyone.

I have one goal in life, and it’s to acquire freedom. Seeking freedom should be at the top of everyone’s list, at the end of the day what is the purpose of living if we are not free.

The freedom lifestyle comes in three parts, financial freedom, time freedom, and location freedom.

To be truly free, you first need to be financially independent. Financial independence is the status of having enough income to pay one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life without being employed.

Financial freedom is the first step and should be at the top of everyone’s list. The way to achieve financial freedom is by building passive income streams. Passive income is earnings derived from sources in which a person is not actively involved. There are various passive income sources to look into. A few notable ones to check out and get involved in right away are Dividends and Affiliate Marketing.

Have you ever imagine being on the beach for the whole day without thinking about going back to the office. I know I have, it’s a fantasy and something that seems impossible for most.

Time freedom is the second step that comes with being free. Time freedom is the ability to chose where and who you spend your precious time with. Time is a non-renewable commodity and in my opinion the most important.

We get one chance at life and we should cherish every second of it. Having time freedom makes you more intentional about your time, it makes you appreciate the time you have.

It also enables you to slow down and appreciate everything that life has to offer.

The final step in the freedom lifestyle is location freedom. This is the ability to spend your time anywhere on the planet, anytime you feel the urge to.

This is the most exciting part of the lifestyle and the part that most people think about. When we think about location freedom, the first thing that comes to mind is traveling.

Traveling is very exciting and can be very beneficial in developing a new mindset. When you travel you meet many different types of people and experience the different cultures.

Traveling at least once a year should be mandatory for everyone.

Freedom is a goal worth attaining unlike any other, true living is impossible without freedom.

A wise person once said, “freedom is the oxygen of the soul.” Don’t suffocate, seek freedom.

Which step are you currently at?



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