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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Living On Your Terms

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What is living on your terms?

Living on your terms means that you have and make your own choices. It means refusing to compromise on the things that matter the most and focus on investing in or building what is important to you.

We live in a world where we are told to do what society likes but not what we like. For me, living like this can be very stressful. I was truly unhappy trying to please everyone except myself.

The importance of living on your terms

From my personal experience living on your terms eliminates stress. Living a purpose-driven life that you create brings a certain joy to your life.

Growing up I thought I would become an accountant, but as I got older and more into this field I realized I hated this path. I decided then that I would find a way to live the life I want, you can say an unconventional life.

I realized that I am a very simple person, and becoming free to live how I want would not be that hard. As it turns out I don’t need much.

Things I needed to change in order to accomplish this goal:
  • Mindset
  • People Around Me
  • Financial Knowledge

Developing a new mindset was key to accomplishing my goal. It was not easy but it is very possible, you will be surprised to know what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

I started to learn about eating healthy, exercising daily, and taking breaks. I never took a break in my working life and it did a lot of harm. Now, I make it a part of my life to take occasional breaks.

After changing my mindset, I realize a lot of positive changes in myself. Changes such as my stress level went all the way down, I no longer had constant headaches, and my physical body felt much better.

I realized later in life that a lot of people around me were not good for my growth. They were very toxic and not good for my mental health.

I didn’t realize how important mental health was until I almost had a mental breakdown. I needed to change my circle in order to get ahead and live the life I want.

I started to research positive traits in people that were good for me. I needed people who were on the same path as me and people who would support and push me to be the best person I can be.

Financial freedom is the status of having enough income to pay one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life, without having to be employed.

This is a major issue in the average person’s life and is a very stressful part of one’s life. Being financially stable is very important in order to live life on your terms.

No matter what anyone says, the bills have to be paid. You can’t look to make choices if you get stressed every month end. Focus on financial education which, in turn, enables financial freedom over time.

My Final thoughts

In my journey to being able to live on my terms, I realized that it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I encourage anyone and everyone with that urge to try it. I don’t want to sound cliche and say life is short but we all know.

Seek more out of life and be the best you can be, at the end of the day it’s your life.

Are you on the path to Living Life On Your Terms?


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